Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wikileaks --- the most important news service you probably don't know about

Wikileaks raises the critical question about where the future of journalism is going as it all migrates online. Will we follow the "freedom of press" model that is so vital to American democracy, or will the Chinese model of allowing governments and powerful entities to suppress and censor news rule Internet information sites? Watch this video and support this website!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Google Advertises It's Goal of Taking Over Your Life

Yes, they seem to be benevolent, but was Big Brother similarly motivated while He was growing up and building his world?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Frontline's "Digital Nation"

An excellent documentary, broken in 8-10 minute pieces (so I can teach with it) that tries to "pause" and look around at how the human experience is changing and evolving (or devolving?) as our lives become digital.

Frontline comes through again. Watch the whole program online. Fan them.